Thursday, 25 March 2010

different kinds of people

Different kinds of people exist.

I find that there are two kinds,

The kinds I get...and the kinds I don't.

99% fall into the kinds I don't.

How many people actually know themselves? Yeh some, but few!

I am constantly re defining myself if i could keep track of me enough i'll have time to figure people out.

One day I fall into d 99% "I don't get people" and next thing I know am in the 1% "I get kinda people".

Okay! That's the end of my note, was just sitting in class and was trying to place characteristics on the human character..I got tired as usual and decided...I get some and well some are not made to be understood..hence my note.

P.s~ take the saying "men are from mars" seriously. I mean that's the only way you would justify some of their actions. If you bother to keep trying to explain why they act the way they do..well.....( Its ur time).

.and vice versa, women are from Venus, their ways are Different from the ways of mars men...

1 love.

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